Braveheart - Who Was William Wallace of Scotland?

We all have watched the movie Braveheart and often when I tell someone who hails from another country that I am from Scotland they will say that they loved the film Braveheart. Anyway, who actually was William Wallace - a Mel Gibson type of character from the movie, or something rather different?

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In the years preceding 1297 William Wallace's name does not appear on any records. From this date onwards however, all that was to change. He killed William Heselrig, who was the English Sheriff of the town of Lanark - a small Scottish town that was made a royal burgh back in 1140 by King David I. Wallace was also known to become involved in the Wars of Independence against the English at Loudoun Hill and at Ayr.

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He commanded a number of Scots against the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297 and won against a far superior English force. He was thus knighted by Robert the Bruce and was bestowed the name "Guardian of Scotland and Leader of its armies".

In April, 1298, Long Shanks - as Edward I King of England was known then due to his commanding stature - sent forces to eradicate Wallace and the Scottish upstarts. At Falkirk, the English routed the Scots but Wallace escaped. Wallace resigned as the Guardian of Scotland and went to France to try to drum of support for the Scottish cause with King Philip IV.

He did not return to Scotland until 1303 but was betrayed by a Scottish knight called John de Mentieth, who was loyal to King Edward I. Wallace was taken to London where he faced trial for treason and of course was found guilty. He was dragged through the streets bereft of clothing, tied to a horse. He was then hung, drawn, quartered and beheaded at Elms in Smithfield, London. His head was set on a spike on Tower Bridge, alongside a number of other distinguished Scots leaders, including his brother - John, the Early of Atholl.

Apparently his left leg was taken to Perth in Scotland, his right leg to Berwick on the Scotland/England border, his left arm to Stirling in Scotland and his right arm to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne which is now in England. Unfortunately however, no one really knows where any parts of his body now lie. A very gruesome end to one so proud of his country!

Braveheart - Who Was William Wallace of Scotland?
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